We build businesses.
We invest in businesses.

What is HighBar Enterprises?

Think of us as a combination of venture capital fund, incubator, and consulting firm.

HighBar Enterprises is the manifestation of entrepreneurial spirit, driven by an innate desire to make things better. We love the process of validating, launching, improving, and scaling businesses. We’re motivated by the challenges and outcomes of finding unique solutions to problems in industries we find interesting.

HighBar’s Values

If you collaborate with HighBar, expect to see these values in action.


We Embrace Entrepreneurship: We have a startup mentality. There are ups and downs, successes and failures. We fail together, learn together - but most of all, we win together.

We Continue Growing: At HighBar, we provide growth opportunities by giving our team time to learn new skills and a supportive environment where those skills get applied. We have a flat structure where you’re free to contribute and be heard.

We Stay Flexible: Flexibility is a two-way street. We stay flexible in how we work, our processes, and our priorities because it helps us stay flexible for our teammates - creating a healthier work/life balance. 

We Get it Done: We work in a fast-paced, results-oriented, collaborative environment and hold each other accountable. We trust our teams to use their judgement and move projects across the finish line.


Connect with HighBar

If you’re interested in connecting with the HighBar team about partnership, press, or speaking engagements, please visit our contact page and reach out.